Saturday, April 09, 2011

Down time

My little boy is sick again. If you were in the loop, you'd know that just a couple of weeks back, he had a fever due to teething. And now, here he is again, warm and sick. Poor baby.

I am refraining from telling my parents about this for number of reasons. First off, they'd probably exclaim how often he falls sick. Then I'd have to listen to them tell me tales from yesteryear of how my siblings and I hardly ever fell sick. They would then go on to the importance of proper nutrition and feeding them proper food.

Basically, I hate being told I'm not doing it right. I understand that they have their Grandkids best interest at heart and only want the best for them. But I don't see why they need to chew me up in the process.

I don't feed them processed food all the time. I make sure they eat their multivitamins, drink their milk and eat their vegetables. But that's life. If they're gonna fall sick, they will.

As I type this, I'm breathing through my mouth because my nose is congested. If you follow my tweets I'm sure you would know that I've been complaining about it. Naturally, the boy has caught the bug too.

We co-sleep because he is still being breastfed and wakes up several times at night to do so. As a result, he is close to all the coughing, hacking and throat clearing that I do. It's totally unavoidable. (I would be lying if I said I was hoping he'd not catch it though.) He was coughing this morning and immediately I knew he was falling sick. True enough, he started developing a mild temperature come evening time.

Gave him some paracatemol and that brought down the temperature. But it's back up again tonight. I'm hoping he won't need anymore meds come tomorrow.

Do I have a point to this post? Not really. Perhaps, a little more understanding from the parental units would be nice. I try my best to raise my kids the best that I can but sometimes, shit happens. The best I can do then is just clean up the mess. Asking more from me is just, too much.

I know I've been complaining about my stuffy nose, sore throat and headaches, but I'd trade getting better early for my boy's speedy recovery. I hate being sick but I hate my kids being sick even more.

Remedies for my ailment, there are aplenty, but there isn't any for a worried heart. Get well soon, baby boy.


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